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Here's the world's first hackable computer, the Ultimate Single-Board Computer for your Big Idea.

The documents are broken down into several parts:

  • Getting Started Powering on your LattePanda for the first time.
  • Display and Touch Connections Overview of the different ways to display your LattePanda's screen and connect the touch panel connector.
  • Powering Overview of the different ways you can power your LattePanda.
  • Operating Systems Overview and installation instructions of the different operating systems you can install on the LattePanda.
  • IDE Overview of the different IDEs you can use with the LattePanda.
  • Hardware Interface Overview of the hardware interface on your LattePanda.
  • Several other tutorials can be found in the side menu.

First, Let me introduce the new generation products — LattePanda Alpha/Delta for you.


Alpha Edition

Generally refers to the leader in a wolf pack, α / Alpha. It will also be the leader in the LattePanda series, the most powerful in performance. Known as the leader of the Pandas, or "AlphaPanda" for short.

The Alpha Edition uses the same Intel 7th generation Core m3 processor as the latest MacBook. The Core m3 processor is the perfect choice for superior performance and low power consumption.

A LattePanda also includes an integrated Arduino compatible co-processor, which means it can be used to control and sense the physical world! Whether you are a Windows developer, IoT developer, DIY fanatic, interactive designer, robotics whizz, or maker, a LattePanda single board computer can aid your creative process!

Delta Edition

Mathematical Character △; a triangle. In terms of product design, performance, price and power consumption, it signals a compromise between the three. It keeps the perfect balancing. Balancing is always the best and reflects the beauty of engineering.

The Delta Edition uses an Intel 8th generation Celeron N4100 processor. This Celeron processor is the perfect choice for features and price as a main robotics controller, interactive project core, IoT edge device or AI brain. So LattePanda Delta is still x86 based SBC design.


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